Insulation for Noise Reduction

Sometimes pipes can appear to rumble or scream so loud, it makes a kid's worst behavior seem like music to your ears.

And garbage falling down a chute can sound like bombs going off. How about a bedroom over the band below, or adjacent a main stairwell? We have helped solve many sound problems.

Not all sound problems can be resolved by insulating methods, and the effectiveness of results may even vary in interpretation from person to person, but we believe we have a keen eye for this kind of thing.

Be it sound transmission from one area to the next, or simply reducing the ambient sound levels in an area, we would be glad to offer suggestions. Sound solutions range from vibration dampers to duct silencers; from carpet padding to insulation. Sometimes all it takes is a little oil! Whatever it is, if you're not willing to put up with it, we would like to try and help.

Again, we can explain your options, and try to keep you within the realm of practicality, however we will also want to be right up front with you with what will be required of you. Refinishing / repainting is nearly always needed, so you should be ready to do so. Don't think that it can all be done from a nickel sized hole and plugged with a cork when done. But if you have had enough, and are willing to go the distance, we can help.




  • Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Call Today:
(847) 698-7543